June 13, 2017
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Attn: Johnny Gharib
RE: |
AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Registration Statement on Form S-3
Filed June 5, 2017
File Number: 333-218506
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule 461 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the undersigned registrant hereby requests that the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) take appropriate action to cause the above-referenced Registration Statement on Form S-3 (the “Filing”) to become effective at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 14, 2017, or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
Very truly yours,
AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
/s/ Jane Wright-Mitchell
By: Jane Wright-Mitchell
Chief Legal Officer
cc: Mark B. Weeks
Robert W. Phillips
Cooley llp